Helen Help Us!

I know I should be writing about tomatoes, lettuce, or napping.  It’s Easter Sunday.  It’s also my mother’s birthday and since she has finally decided I could write about her on this blog, I’ve spent more than a few hours composing my thoughts.

Before I decided I would be a farmer, I thought I might be a professional organizer.  Not a union organizer or a community organizer, but a person who helps disorganized people get organized.  I thought of starting a business “dedicated to lightening your load and getting things done for you.”  My promotional materials said “Julie-Ann learned the art of organization from her mother, Helen, who loves to say ‘Everything in its place!’”

It wasn’t my time to have such a business, but it’s true that I learned everything I know about being organized from my mother.  I learned a lot of practical and important things from her, too, like how to say “The Lord’s Prayer” and what the Fifth Commandment means.  She took me to the Lisbon Falls library before I went to kindergarten so I could get my first library card and she taught me to say “please” and “thank you” and carefully explained the meaning of the word “tact.”

There are so many stories I could tell you about my mother, but today is Sunday, a day of rest.  Here’s a short list of some of the posts I’m thinking about writing in the future:

Horticultural Helen
A brief history of Helen’s plant sales and which perennials in Lisbon Falls are related to ones that started in her garden.

Hell On Wheels
A humorous story of how my father taught Helen to drive at the age of thirty-five.  Some profanity.

Saint Helen of Immaculata
Cleaning tips and routines for a spotless house and sparkling clean laundry.

Helen’s Neighborhood Crime Watch or To Stop a Thief
Helen takes the law into her own hands and confronts a plant thief attempting to steal plants from my “surprise garden.”

Dr. Helen
Helen studies health and disease and provides advice for vibrant wellness.

Helen Rocks The Votes
Helen recounts 20 years of working as a poll clerk in Lisbon Falls.  No write-ins, please.

Sellin’ Helen
Helen helps everyone to increase their sales of books, Girl Scout cookies, and raffle tickets and puts even Zig Ziglar to shame with her grassroots selling techniques.

Queen Helene
Helen explains how to stay married to the same stubborn German man for more than 50 years.

Ah, my sainted mother!  She’s been an inspiration to me my whole life, even when I didn’t want her to be.  Happy Birthday, Mom.  Thank you for being a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, grandmother, and friend.

(Delicious and beautiful birthday cake courtesy of Sweet Dreams Bakery, 100 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham, New Hampshire.)

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4 Responses to Helen Help Us!

  1. Your mother should be so proud of you……Happy Birthday Helen..

    • Hi Andrea! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s almost like having a cup of coffee together.
      I hope you are well and I look forward to seeing you in The Falls! You’re kind to comment.
      I will pass your greetings along to Helen, who has also apparently been “Hair Model Helen” back in the late 70’s at Mr. Bernard’s!

  2. Cherie Ripperton says:

    Happy Birthday Dr. Helen!

    Enjoy your special day…..from one of your patients you have not met in person (yet) 😉

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